Silicon Valley MiddleMonthly News

Interesting stories and news from middle schoolers in Silicon Valley.

Ren’s Travel Journal to Australia – Second Day in Australia

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Today me and my family went to UTS, the University of Technology Sydney, in the morning. I noticed that it looked a lot like Stanford and even more like Hogwarts. Here is a picture of the entrance to the university.

When I was leaving the university I got this picture of the logo.

Then I went to the zoo where I saw some very cute and nice animals that dwell in Australia. 

First of all, I saw a few emus and kangaroos who were out in the open and very obedient.

Then I saw some koalas who were sleeping on branches and eating.

Afterward, I went to have some food and continued my journey by looking at penguins. Unfortunately, I only have one picture of the penguins that I took.

To end the journey off, I went to watch a bird show. I saw a variety of different birds that both reside in Australia and other countries. One example of a bird that lives in Australia is the Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo. One example of a bird that lives globally around the world is simply a chicken.

In these two pictures, the bird is the Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo. In the second picture is when the bird flew above us during a demonstration.

In this last picture, the birds are Sulphur-crested Cockatoos. They are sitting on a branch eating a few seeds that were fed to them.

And that ends us up with my zoo journey. Please note that I only included descriptions for the animals that appear in Australia. If I included all the animals that I saw today, I would have written an entire essay.

I had some snacks and we drove to one of my parents’ friend’s house and had some more snacks. I chilled and watched some YouTube for a bit. Then I was invited to play basketball with my dad’s friend. 

This is where I started regretting my life decisions. THE HOOP WAS HAD A DOUBLE-RIM! Now, if you don’t understand this term, you are more than welcome to search up the definition because I don’t have the time to go over this basketball terminology with you right now.

I couldn’t make a single shot until I finally decided to take layups. This is not the main point. The main point is that I got absolutely smoked. The dad literally started coaching me on how to get past a defender. I was disappointed in myself but happy at the same time because I got coached by this professional college basketball player, according to himself. It was also very hot and the son was always in my eyes. Totally not making up excuses.

Overall, today was very fun and I hope to see more tomorrow. I believe that tomorrow I will have a 3-hour drive to Canberra and go to the Parliament House in Australia. I will be going to another university, and it is the best one in Australia. It is called ANU, Australian National University.

And of course, I will have to meet up with more of my parents’ friends. This is literally the worst part of going to Australia.

Stay tuned and learn more about my trip to Australia!