Silicon Valley MiddleMonthly News

Interesting stories and news from middle schoolers in Silicon Valley.

hello My Fellow Middle Schoolers

Welcome to Silicon Valley MiddleMonthly News

Our Story


Who we are?

We are a group of Silicon Valley school students. We are passionate about facts, news, stories, aspects, and journalism!


What is Silicon Valley MiddleMonthly?

Silicon Valley MiddleMonthly is a monthly issue consisting of trending topics in middle schools located in Silicon Valley, and interviews of students, teachers, and entrepreneurs. SVM will also be writing and releasing many articles as time passes.


How did we start?

Two Stratford students, Ren Cai and Mathew Fu, founded the Stratford EleMonthly newsletter in 2022, which served Stratford School for their last elementary school year. When they became middle schoolers, Ren Cai has decided to continue the newsletter and expand it to students in different schools. As a result, Silicon Valley MiddleMonthly is established.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do we write about?

We write news articles about our schools, local communities, and the world.

How frequent do we publish?

In 2023, we publish every 2 months with an issue consisting of articles, interviews, stories, and other interesting things.

From 2024, we will publish posts whenever a new article or an interview becomes available.

Who do we interview?

We interview middle and high school students, teachers, and coaches. We also interview famous entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley.

Do I need to pay for read?

No, it is free to read.