Silicon Valley MiddleMonthly News

Interesting stories and news from middle schoolers in Silicon Valley.

Ren’s Travel Journal to Australia – Fifth Day in Australia

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*Note: I wrote this a day late because I got super sleepy the day before due to jetlag. I was in Australia for about a week already so I have no idea how I got that sleepy. Due to this the dates you see on the website might be messed up but don’t worry about it.*

In the morning I was wearing a bath robe which made me feel really powerful, for legit no reason.

I went to get some breakfast which was really delicious and fancy.

After we had breakfast we went to the Marina Mirage where we saw lots of private boats.

After we went to Surfer’s Paradise to buy lots of souvenirs. Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures. I only have one picture of where I bought a whole box of TimTams which are like the Australian Kit Kats.

After buying all this stuff we went to have a surfing lesson where I learned how to get on the board, stand on the board, and how to get out of rip currents. If you were wondering what a rip current is, I will briefly explain. When a wave crashes into the shore, it will ‘bounce’ back. And when there are large waves crashing in, the reflex will also be powerful and can push you into the deep waters.

After the educational part, we actually started surfing. I got a lot of seawater in my mouth and it was incredibly salty.

I was literally ‘him’ for a moment.

After surfing, I had a shower and I went to the Harbor Town Premium Outlet. I bought some Curry’s for no reason.

Then, I went back home where I took a shower and fell right to sleep because I was really sleepy. Wait, I think I know why I was so sleepy, it’s because I spent all my energy on surfing.

I don’t know what I’ll be doing on the sixth day. We have the schedule free. So, stay tuned to find out about what we’ll do!