Silicon Valley MiddleMonthly News

Interesting stories and news from middle schoolers in Silicon Valley.

Ren’s second and third day at Washington DC

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To start the second day off, we went to the White House. There was nothing much to it because we didn’t get ourselves a reservation online to go inside. So here’s just a picture of the outside. 

Because the United States Capitol was relatively close to the White House we also went there. It also wasn’t very interesting, we just went to get some pictures inside and outside.

The inside of the United States Capitol were some statues of different states and remarkable people from them. Here are just some examples.

Then we went to two of the most notable landmarks in the United States, the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. The Lincoln Memorial was basically a big statue of Abraham Lincoln sitting on a chair inside a large temple, but it had way more meaning to it. Here’s what the outside looked like.

The inside was the actual statue and there were many people there taking pictures.

There will be a new museum coming to also be part of the Lincoln Memorial in 2026. So, I might get to also see that one when my school, Stratford, organizes a trip for us that same year.

The Washington Monument was right across from the memorial so we just took a picture from the Lincoln Memorial.

As you can see, the Washington Monument is a tall tower with a pointy tip. It also has 50 American flags surrounding it. I thought it was a cool way to remember the first president of the United States, George Washington.

After going to these two remarkable US landmarks, we went to the National Archives. 

We were not allowed to take pictures of the Founding Documents, unfortunately, so I’ll just provide some pictures of the Rotunda.

There were also other stuff, but I wasn’t really interested in them.

Now going on to day three, also the last day. First of all, we went to the Library of Congress. I’ll just share my favorite part which is Thomas Jefferson’s Library. I liked it a lot because I like reading, of course, and also I am amazed from the fact that they maintained the library from such a long time ago.

Here’s a panorama of the entire circular library.

After going to the library we went to the National Gallery of Art, which again, I will only be sharing my favorite parts. We saw multiple Vincent Van Gogh paintings but my favorite one was called Roses. I like it because it reminded me of the Sunflowers, version four. I also liked it for the light colors and I think it’s just satisfying to look at.

Another one of my favorite pieces is called The Thinker, and it is actually a sculpture. I like it so much because it actually helped me get a good grade on a history project.

One last artwork I’ll be showing you is literally called Self-Portrait by Paul Gauguin. I like it because of how specific the name is(it’s called sarcasm) and I also like it because of how devious the man looks in the portrait.

And that’s it for the whole day, and the trip. Goodbye!