Silicon Valley MiddleMonthly News

Interesting stories and news from middle schoolers in Silicon Valley.

Our Stories

  • Ren’ Travel Summary on LA

    *Editor’s Note: This summary is written the day after the trip ended. Ren did not write a travel journal every single day of the trip this time because he forgot to bring his laptop. No, I’m serious, I’m not joking.* Ok, let’s get started. So this trip was kind of weird because I had no…


  • Interview w/Matthew about Baseball Game

    Interviewer: So, I heard you had a baseball game last Thursday. How did it go? Matthew: It was a very intense game with my team. We played and lost to Menlo. Interviewer: Sorry to hear about your team’s loss. What was the win-loss record for the season so far? Matthew: Well, due to time limits,…


  • Interview w/Ren on His Trip to Australia

    Conducted by Matthew Fu Q: What was your overall feeling about going to Australia? A: It was really fun because of all of the fun things I saw. Overall, the temperature was pretty hot, but that’s alright. Q: Was what you expected different from what you actually saw there? A: To be honest, Australia is…


  • Ren’s Travel Journal to Australia – Last/Seventh Day in Australia

    Note: I am writing this 1 day after it happened because now I am back in California so the dates you see on the website might be wrong I started the day, as usual, with some very fancy hotel breakfast.  Soon after we went to Griffith University. Unfortunately, it was raining so I could not…


  • Ren’s Travel Journal to Australia – Sixth Day in Australia

    To start the day, I had a very fancy breakfast like yesterday. I did not get any photos because I didn’t want any people to think that I was not okay. After breakfast, we drove to a mall where the Aquaduck is. The Aquaduck is a car boat that can drive on roads, like a…


  • Ren’s Travel Journal to Australia – Fifth Day in Australia

    *Note: I wrote this a day late because I got super sleepy the day before due to jetlag. I was in Australia for about a week already so I have no idea how I got that sleepy. Due to this the dates you see on the website might be messed up but don’t worry about…


  • Ren’s Travel Journal to Australia – Fourth Day in Australia

    Today, I started the day with a very sugary breakfast at my hotel in Canberra. I started regretting life decisions after I ate it because I felt like I was going to get diabetes in a few days. After breakfast, we checked out of the hotel and drove to UC, University of Canberra. There were…


  • Ren’s Travel Journal to Australia – Third Day in Australia

    The past two days were in Sydney. Today I will spend one day in Canberra and transition to Queensland tomorrow. I started the day with a 3-hour drive to Canberra. We drove directly to Coles, which is basically the Australian Safeway.  I bought two packs of Tim Tams which is kind of like Kit Kats…


  • Ren’s Travel Journal to Australia – Second Day in Australia

    Today me and my family went to UTS, the University of Technology Sydney, in the morning. I noticed that it looked a lot like Stanford and even more like Hogwarts. Here is a picture of the entrance to the university. When I was leaving the university I got this picture of the logo. Then I…