Silicon Valley MiddleMonthly News

Interesting stories and news from middle schoolers in Silicon Valley.

Interview w/Ren on His Trip to Australia

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Conducted by Matthew Fu

Q: What was your overall feeling about going to Australia?

A: It was really fun because of all of the fun things I saw. Overall, the temperature was pretty hot, but that’s alright.

Q: Was what you expected different from what you actually saw there?

A: To be honest, Australia is like the only country/continent that I’ve been to that almost reached my exact expectations. One thing that I do wish to see more are the animals.

Q: I have heard that the wildlife is diverse. What kinds did you see in Australia?

A: So, I saw many animals, but here I will only share two. If you want to find out more, go check out the daily travel journals I made. Just for now, I will show 2 of the animals that I saw. The first one is the koala; it is really cute but when I was there it was mainly sleeping. Here is a picture of a koala that I saw.

The next animal I will share is the penguin. When I went to check out the penguins, they were fighting over for food. And I got this picture of them “dueling”, supposedly.

Q: What was the best part about going to Australia?

A: Personally, the best part about going to Australia is going on the Leviathan. The Leviathan is Australia’s top 2 roller coaster.

That’s me right there.

I would easily place surfing next. The reason why it’s not first is because every time you finish surfing, you have to walk back into the ocean to surf another wave. When you walk back, the water pushes against you, so it’s harder. It will also make your muscles sore, my muscles have been sore for like 3 days after surfing.

Q: Did you learn anything about the locals’ lives, such as cultures, diets, or regular habits that differ from the U.S.?

A: The main thing I realized is that Australians are somewhat more “lazy”, no offense, than Americans. They tend to wake up later and end work earlier. Except for that, how they live, what they eat, and all that stuff are very similar to the US.

Make sure to go check out Ren’s travel journal. He posted one for every day there, for his whole trip to Australia. Have a good one. Byee!