Silicon Valley MiddleMonthly News

Interesting stories and news from middle schoolers in Silicon Valley.

Ren’s Travel Journal to Australia – At the Airport

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Today after school it was raining really hard and I had to sprint all the way to my car. We got an Uber to my local airport. I found this restaurant at the airport, which I forgot the name of. We had some Vietnamese food and I got some chicken pho. It was pretty flavorful but it gave me a kind of weird aftertaste.

We headed to our boarding gate where I rested for a bit. I was kind of bored so I started watching YouTube Shorts. The plane started boarding soon.

Then the unfortunate happened, maybe not that bad, but still. So my family was in the 8th boarding group out of the 9. The people working at the desk told us that by the time we board the space for overhead compartments would be all used up. We were then told to send our small self-carry luggage to Sydney where we would pick it up after about 1 day. We took out our stuff and we gave them the suitcase.

The flight was fine, I guess. The seats were fine but the service was not that great. This is not a plane review so I’ll move on. I did get some pretty fire pictures on the plane. The view was beautiful.

Our flight to Sydney will board at midnight so I just go take a nap I guess. See you tomorrow. Stay tuned!